From January 1, 2023, the seaport infrastructure fee for import and export goods transported by water to and from seaports in Hai Phong will be reduced by 50%.
Accordingly, at Hai Phong People’s Council meeting, term XVI, 9th session, the delegates voted unanimously to pass 35 resolutions: to amend and supplement Clause 2, Article 1 of Resolution No. 148/2016/NQ-HDND dated December 13, 2016 of the City People’s Council which regulates the fee, mode of collection, payment, management and use of fees for the use of infrastructure works, service works and public utilities in the area of Hai Phong seaport (seaport infrastructure fee for short). This is also one of the solutions to well perform the task of accelerating the renewal of the growth model and developing service activities for seaport and logistics activities in 2023.
The resolution takes effect from January 1, 2023 and Hai Phong People’s Committee is assigned to direct relevant departments, agencies and units to implement. This policy helps enterprises reduce a lot of pressure on costs.
(Source: Bao dau tu)