Total area: 182 ha
Operation time: 2007 - 2057
The Industrial park is adjacent to the National Road No. 18 in the North, the Hanoi - Hai Phong - Ha Long – Van Don - Mong Cai highway in the South, connecting Hanoi and Mong Cai.
Power is supplied from the national grid through 2 110/22KV transformer stations with a capacity of 2x25 MVA and 63+25 MVA.
The water supply station with the capacity of 7,500 m³/day
Waste water treatment station with total capacity of 5,500 m³/day
Telecommunication system reaches the international standard
Police station, polyclinic, banks, logistic center, post office are near the industrial park
Urban area with total scale of 10 ha is adjacent to the IP
Taxation of corporate income tax rate is 10% in 15 years
Exempt CIT for the first 4 years
Decrease 50% for the next 9 years