The above content was mentioned by the Board of Directors of Viglacera Corporation in the August meeting on the morning of September 5, 2022. This is Viglacera’s realization of the direction of the Government and the Ministry of Construction in promoting the development of social housing for workers and low-income people.
In addition, in the report at the monthly meeting, the production and business activities of Viglacera Corporation still maintained and developed well, and the consolidated profit result of the Corporation in August 2022 reached 119% of the monthly plan; The first 8 months of the year reached 118% of the annual plan and 2.15 times higher than the same period last year; parent company’s profit reached 128% of annual plan
Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan – Deputy General Director of The Corporation reported on the results of the first 8 months of 2022
Speaking at the meeting, General Director Nguyen Anh Tuan directed the entire Corporation to focus on promoting business activities, raising awareness and brand value of Viglacera, especially in the southern market; For the Real Estate segment, focus on developing social housing projects, speeding up the progress of site clearance and developing new industrial park projects; … Besides, in September, Viglacera Corporation will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2022 on the morning of September 7, 2022.
With the results achieved in the first 8 months of the year, the key target is Profit before tax of the whole Corporation, which has exceeded the set target in 2022. Therefore, on the basis of implemented results, the remaining plans for the last 4 months of the year, groups and fields need to focus on reviewing and agreeing on effective solutions to implement the remaining plan well. , strive to fully complete the targets of the plan in 2022 that have been assigned by the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Corporation will develop and organize the implementation of the 2023 plan tasks, ensuring stable and sustainable growth.